The concept behind Whole Body Works is the ability to take a magnified glance into exactly how your whole body--your whole life--is running. And whether or not it’s going in the direction that has you feeling energized and aligned in your world. It takes a holistic approach, looking at all areas of your lifestyle and honing in on the areas that need a "tune-up” or more of an overall—based on the inroad that has you interested in some support.
Nutrition support is often a key premise because ultimately everything you eat creates your tissues, muscles, organs, bones, blood AND thoughts, feelings and actions. Along with overall wellness (sleep/rest quality, management of stress, fun and joy) innovation (work/career/creativity), physical activity (movement and stillness, too) fun/joy relationships (those with people and time and stuff)
The way all of these parts are balanced/not balanced directly affects how your food is ingested, digested, and absorbed. Together all of these areas either create a recipe for good health....or not so great overall well-being.
This work is designed to assist you in taking a look at what you are eating (and not eating), doing (and not doing), feeling (and not feeling), edit out what isn't working an making room for what does/can work so that you can best continue forward with all of your life's callings.
The work can be segmented and general:
-upgrading eating
- getting rid of literal/figurative clutter,
-enhancing body movement through physical activity
-making a life change
-assistance with your career/job/business
The work can be specific:
....with a plan of nutrition coaching(dealing with prevention or an active skill set for weight gain/loss, diabetes, high cholesterol, blood-sugar issues, gluten-intolerance and/or management of chronic issues (lupus, MS, or post-cancer and the like). It can also be grocery shop or cooking-based, as foundation points for eating good, clean food)
....with lifestyle coaching (taking areas where you are stuck--career, joy/fun, consciousness, clutter) and moving toward forward motion and fulfillment of life work/destiny through radical self-care
....with movement and stillness (yoga, stretch, meditation and breathing practices)
It is under the umbrella-guise of health coaching providing you with a personal matrix of endeavor™ --understanding what you do that got you where you are, accepting this path and then supporting the changes that need to go into to effect to create the new map to follow for change.
The work is done in many ways in order to fit the scope of the individual. It can be in-person, via phone/FaceTime/Zoom, through e mail support, via one-on-one coaching or in a group setting. It can and has taken place everywhere from a supermarket, a yoga mat or via stove-top/near the kitchen sink to a park bench, pool-side and about town. It works with the premise of wherever you go, there you are. The work supports this providing livable, workable "tools" for your own personal "tool box."
When was the last time you talked with someone about your well-being and/or the direction you are taking one or more areas of your life and received the personal attention you deserve?
It’s rare for anyone to carve out the time to work on their nutrition/ wellness/life goals and get the accountability and support to make them happen. I create an environment that will enable/ you to achieve all of your self-care goals. I have studied all the major dietary theories and use practical lifestyle coaching methods to guide you in discovering which approach works best for you.
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